Sunday, July 8, 2007


The past few days have been just nuts. I'd like to say I got a lot accomplished, but that would be stretching the truth in a big way. (g) I mostly enjoyed having the house to myself. I had fun cooking and playing with the dogs -- I worked on a school presentation -- did a lot of brainstorming about BTPM. And I slept in (as much as I could with two crazy dogs in the house)...watched some movies and relaxed. I did get _some_ work accomplished, but not as much as planned.

I did manage to finish chapter 1 of BTPM, and right now I'm working on chapter 2. It's been slow going because I've done a lot of thinking on how to rework the order of these scenes. Apparently, my brain is on pause because it took me forever to reach a decision. But I have now --it's all a matter of implementing all the changes. Goodness, the front end is torn up... most of the scenes are still there, but in a totally new order. I think it's going to make this book sing...seriously, I couldn't be more excited.

I'm finding it quite surprising how willing I am to cut things from this MS. With FI, it was just bloody hard. (g) I guess I've grown accustomed to the pain now. lol. In reality, I'd say I'm being more cautious with this book. I simply wouldn't want to turn in a half-ass effort to D.A. I want this book to be the best it can be when I hand it over to him. If that means being a bit harsher on myself, then that's what I'm prepared to do.

I remember when D.A. first showed interest and the advice I received while I waited for The Call. Someone told me to take copious notes, because I would probably learn more during that single conversation than I would in years and years of writing. I can't tell you how true that was! One of my friends even commented on that the other day -- how much I had learned from D.A. and that it was clear in my work. *TEE* I'm just happy to be improving.

The great news is that I've already worked on chapters 5 and 6 -- and the book will stay MOSTLY the same from there on out. I have two scenes I want to add, but the majority of the "fixes" I need to do will be basic fleshing out and copyedit type stuff. Oh, and addressing the ripples of these new scenes.. Okay, so maybe there's a lot of work to do. LOL. Oh well, one day at a time.

Honestly, I'm dreading the synopsis most of all. I hate those things. If I could just skip that step... NO? I can't? DRAT.


Oh...other good news! After tomorrow, I'm pretty much finished with my class. I mean, I still have to go, but being as there isn't a final... heh. Paying attention is optional. (VBG) I know, terrible -- but it's an advanced class and I'm really not learning anything I didn't learn in the regular section. Oh well. It was a fairly easy class for summer school. The next one will be killer though. Did I mention it starts at 730??? That's AM, btw. YEEK. Gah, that makes me tired just thinking about it.

Okay, I'm off to see if I can get some more work finished on chapter 2.

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