Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I've changed the ending of FI...Again. Well, I guess it's still the same, only I've taken the scene a little further to better resolve this book, and of course, lead into the second. As it stood, I wasn't getting a real "to be continued" feel from it. Oh, all of the major items were resolved and all that, but this new ending gives a glimpse at book 2, which *fingers crossed* I hope will compel people to rush out to buy it. Ya gotta have a dream, people. (g)

Still working on that fabulous scene I started yesterday... Well, it's fabulous in my mind, anyway, even if it hasn't been fully realized yet. That ball of nervous energy is still in my yeah, I have to take that to mean I'm on the right track.

Dogs are home, exhausted. (Yay) Time to write.

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