Saturday, October 18, 2008

It's A Fine Start

Mission-Get-Back-On-Track aka "Stop being a total schmuck, Jen, and FTDB" has begun.

Between last night and tonight, I managed 1600 new words for FI. I've expanded that scene I mentioned the other night--given it more oomph and meaning to the story overall. It's probably a bit more intense in the front half than I intended, but I'll see how readers react. I can always lighten it up. I will say that the ending of it is probably one of the funniest visuals I've ever written. (VBG)


I love it.

Tomorrow I plan to get through the next section. It doesn't need that much work -- just some basic floofing to emcompass some of the changes that were made to the first quarter of the book. Then I think I need a short bridging scene to sew the next couple of sections together. I may work a little on it before I go to bed.

Man, I'm feeling much better -- determined, even, today. Thanks, guys!

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